Versatile magnet therapy device
When mLaser is used in magnetic therapy the device recognises automatically the magnet therapy parts and switches to the correct treatment program. For magnet therapy the device comes with magnet therapy drum and magnet therapy belt.
Smart and safe laser technology
With mLaser the laser therapy treatments are safe and easy to perform. In pen laser there is a distance sensor to increase the security. Laser beam breaks if the tip of laser pen is not close enough. When the big laser head is used the use of protective glasses is mandatory.
Intelligent device calculates the treatment time needed by means of set total energy. It is possible to follow the progress of the treatment from the device's screen. In the device there is three operating languages to choose from: Finnish, Swedish and English.
This magnetic therapy device can also be used to threat animals.
Acute an chronical pain states:
• myofaskiaaliset kiputilat (tuki- ja liikuntaelimet)
• osteoarthritis
• neuralgias
• back ache
• rheuma
• sport injuries
• strain injury
Kirurgiset ja traumaattiset haavat:
• leg wounds and bed sores
• burns
• ulcers of the mucosa
• scar tissue